Describes an extended understanding of leadership, what the world wants to change positively. Critical and creative thinking as well as social and cultural intelligence are required of the manager. In addition, you have strong communication skills and the ability to think systemically. Cf. Saint Mary College of California, "What is 21st Century Leadership?", 09.06.2018
reference referenceProduct or service improvement that represents added value for the customer. See Investopedia, "Value Added", 09.06.2018
reference referencelayer by layer. Is in contrast to ablative manufacturing methods. Cf. Electro Optical Systems, "Additive Manufacturing, Laser-Sintering and Industrial 3D Printing - Advantages and Functional Principles", 09.06.2018
reference referenceAgile is a behaviour and an attitude that puts people before processes. It increases speed, quality and customer orientation. Scrum is a framework within which people can tackle complex adaptive tasks, enabling them to productively and creatively deliver products of the highest possible value.
reference referenceAs a counterpart to egoism, it describes a selfless and considerate attitude towards one's fellow human beings. See Wikipedia, "Altruism", > 08.06.2018.
reference referenceFinding a precise definition of AI already fails because of the term intelligence itself. Larry Tesler therefore tries an implicit definition called the AI effect: "Intelligence is whatever machines haven't done yet."
reference referenceExtension of the real world through computer-aided perception technology. Cf. Fisher, Tim, "What Is Augmented Reality?", 2017, 10.06.2018
reference referenceDescribes an authentic leader who treats employees empathically, communicates directly with them and puts the company's goals above his own interests. The long-term success of the company is more important than the short-term success of the quarter. Cf. Kruse, Kevin, "What Is Authentic Leadership?", 2013, 08.06.2018
reference referenceDescribes the courageous impartiality with which we do something for the first time. Cf. Cohen, Kenneth, "Beginner's Mind", 2004, 09.06.2018
reference referenceThese include the five largest tech companies "Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon".
reference referenceElectronic identification of persons using digital measurement or analysis methods such as face recognition or fingerprinting. See Rouse, Margaret, "What is biometrics?" 10.06.2018
reference referenceDigital exchange rate currency. Stands for a completely new means of payment and is "not a currency in the conventional sense, but rather a new asset class and operating system for a new type of economy in which everyone can create their own currency.
reference referenceNew database concept, which makes all data publicly and decentrally accessible through anonymization. Cf. Schiller, "What is Blockchain | Overview, Definition and Explanation", 2018, 10.06.2018
reference referenceDescribes a feedback principle for continuously testing new product ideas. Through early feedback from potential customers, a product should be created that is successful on the market. Cf. The Lean Startup, "Methodology", 09.06.2018
reference referenceDescribes a radical method for process redesign within a company with the goal of permanent customer focus. Cf. founder scene, "Business Process Reengineering", 08.06.2018
reference referenceAlso known as the CO2 balance or footprint, it is the amount of carbon dioxide emissions caused directly or indirectly by a particular activity. See Wikipedia, "CO2 balance", 08.06.2018
reference referenceIncludes all aspects of specifically planned change processes in companies. Cf. Zelesniak, Elena/Grolman, Florian, "Change Management Definition: What is Change Management", 08.06.2018
reference referenceRecycling economy with the aim of a waste-free economy that completely does without materials that are harmful to health and the environment.
reference referenceThe so-called "clean technologies" serve to increase efficiency and productivity while at the same time conserving resources and reducing emissions. Cf. German CleanTech Institute, "What does CleanTech stand for?", 08.06.2018
reference referenceIT infrastructure that is not installed on the local computer, but is controlled via another server that is called remotely.
reference referenceThe collaboration of different stakeholders on a new product or service. Cf. Weise, Ireen, "Methods in Focus: Co-Creation", 2013, 08.06.2018
reference referenceVoluntary, usually temporary, cooperation of people from different companies or departments in a common place in order to benefit from the exchange with each other. Cf. Wagner, Sven, "What is Coworking?", 2016, 08.06.2018
reference referenceDescribes the leading self-image of an individual companion and personal supporter and includes empowerment strategies through work at eye level. Cf. Rauen, Christopher, "Definition Coaching", 09.06.2018
reference referenceFocuses on the customer and requires "a broad and deep understanding of his behaviour, the touchpoints and their interrelations along the communication and sales funnel".
reference referenceThe provision of relevant content is intended to offer the potential target group added value that goes beyond mere advertising measures. Cf. founder scene, "Content Marketing", 10.06.2018
reference referenceConversational Interfaces solve user problems independently and across platforms. They can be used to connect and use desktop PCs, smartphones or devices without a screen, such as Apple HomePod, Amazon Alexa, Google Home and Microsoft Cortana.
reference referenceExamines the corporate cultures of the two [M&A] transaction partners, compares the management styles of the superiors, the promotion opportunities for employees as well as the remuneration systems and corporate values, and uncovers possible conflicts during the integration phase.
reference reference"Distributed denial of service attacks cripple systems because they send a large number of requests in a short time. Cf. Vistola, Alfredo, "Denial of Service How DDoS attacks work", 2018, 10.06.2018
reference referenceIs a form of artificial intelligence that can quickly process large amounts of data on the basis of hierarchically arranged concepts and thus comes closer to imitating the human brain. Cf. Brownlee, Jason, "What is Deep Learning?", 2016, 08.06.2018
reference referenceSmall, cross-functional teams concentrate on a single innovation development task for a week. This allows the usual discussion cycle to be shortened
reference referenceIterative innovation process that is carried out in a team and places customer needs at the centre of solution development. See Wikipedia, "Design Thinking", 09.06.2018
reference referenceA DAO is a digital company without a manager and a non-modifiable set of rules of procedure set out in a code. Shareholders of the organisation can use voting procedures to decide in which direction the company should develop in the future. This is based on a grassroots democratic approach and takes advantage of the swarm intelligence of the partners. 16.06.2018
reference referenceIn the sense of a mental recreation cure, the use of technical (online) equipment is waived for a certain period of time. Karlsböck, Tanja, "Digital Detox - Give your body a new start", 2016, 10.06.2018
reference referenceDescribes the competent and responsible handling of new technologies. Can also be referred to as "digital literacy". Cf. Körber Foundation, 08.06.2018
reference referenceDigital participation is the self-determined participation of all people in digital life worlds.
reference referenceModern information technology such as computers and smartphones enable data to be collected, stored and quickly processed on a large scale. Cf. Litzel, Nico, "What is digitization?", 2017, 09.06.2018
reference referenceA space that does not physically exist, but arises in the interpersonal interaction. It can open up wherever people with different knowledge or from different cultures meet and discuss meanings and contents.
reference referenceAccording to Siegrist, the model describes the balance between work performed
reference referenceThese include measures designed to increase the degree of self-determination/autonomy of the person concerned. Cf. Wikipedia, "Empowerment", 08.06.2018
reference referenceBehind the term lies a positive, euphoric attitude to life.
reference referenceThe goal of a Fab Lab is that as many users as possible can implement their ideas prototypically and advance innovative solutions for the challenges of our time in joint projects in a versatile community. They have a common charter which focuses on the fair and open handling of ideas and production facilities.
reference referenceThe attribute contains the concepts "fair" and "sustainable" and optimally extends over all stages of the value chain of a company. Cf. Naranjo, Elisa, "Good for people and the environment - how to define fairstainability goals", 2015, 08.06.2018
reference referenceDepending on the individual surfing behavior, algorithms control the search results displayed. As a result, Internet users are increasingly only seeing content that thematically matches their own "bubble". Cf. 08.06.2018
reference referenceCan cope with all intellectual challenges and is as versatile as a human being.
reference referenceGenerations Y and Z live "in the here and now and attach great importance to freedom and privacy. Internet and how to use it are part of their everyday life. As the first digital natives, they approach management with high information competence, strong performance and community orientation and strong expectations of flexibility.
reference referenceGenerative neural networks enable applications that previously seemed impossible because they require intuitive decisions. For example, to falsify a photo in the style of a particular painter or to reconstruct the high-resolution original from a pixelated image, the K
reference referenceThe international non-profit organization was founded in 2003 with the goal of a good and just life for all and a sustainable future in harmony with the planet. Cf. Global Footprint Network, "About Us", 09.06.2018.
reference referenceDescribes the precarious situation of many low-income earners who have to choose between a heated home and food on the table. See Purcell, Sarah, "let us switch! how prepayment meters trap people in fuel poverty", Church Action on Poverty, 2014, 09.06.2018.
reference referenceThe summation of erroneous actions of individuals into logical behaviors as well as intelligent and functional results through the activity of the swarm.
reference referenceAlternative organizational model developed by Brian Robertson. Through circle structures, role distributions and specific processes for decision making, increased self- autonomy is strived for and classical hierarchies are dispensed with. See Rassek, Anja, "Holocracy: Effective without a boss", 2017, 09.06.2018
reference referenceHuman Experience Design supports the interaction and emotional connection between the product and the user. It refers to the conception and design of various formats that enable new forms of work, learning, collaboration, human interaction and innovation.
reference referenceDescribes the focus of all corporate activities on the decisive dimension of the customer.
reference referenceHyperlearning describes the massive increase in the use of new media to combine knowledge, experience and human spirit on a technological basis.
reference referenceDecentralized network for a democratic peer-to-peer economy based on Tangle technology.
reference referenceDescribes the reflexive confrontation with one's own self and implies the confrontation with the questions "Who am I?", "Who do I actually want to be?" and "What actions result from this? See Siegen University Library, "Kant-Lexikon", 08.06.2018
reference referenceInfrastructural emancipation in the field of the digital goes beyond empowerment as a form of empowerment and emphasizes the possibility of reflection and evaluation of one's own actions with digital technology.
reference referenceIs the realization of a new product or service from an idea that generates an unprecedented added value for society or the customer. Cf. Horton, Graham, "What is innovation?", 09.06.2018
reference referenceDesignates a physical or virtual space whose specific structure is intended to support creative work processes. Cf. Dr. Blaeser-Benfer, Andreas, "What are innovation-labs?", 2016, 09.06.2018
reference referenceThis is the networking and communication of physical and virtual objects or people. The provision of information runs automatically, so that the human being becomes superfluous as an input provider. Cf. founder scene, "Internet of Things", 10.06.2018
reference referenceJob design "focuses on the proactive change and design of work. This happens on three levels: The task itself, the interpersonal collaboration with others and the cognitive attitude to work." See Berg, Justin M./Wrzesniewski, Amy/Dutton, Jane E., "Perceiving and responding to challenges in job crafting at different ranks", in: Journal of Organizational Behavior, No. 31, 2010, p. 158 and 165.
reference referenceIs an emergent phenomenon that occurs in the interaction of individuals and exceeds the abilities of all individual participants. Cf. Wiesmann, Francois Michael, "What is collective intelligence?", 08.06.2018
reference referenceDigital, decentralized and independent means of payment, which gets along without the control and verification of official banks. See Wikipedia, "Crypto currency", 10.06.2018
reference referenceA person who feels that he or she belongs to more than one culture or acts in more than one cultural environment can be described as a cultural hybrid. As a result, new identity characteristics emerge. Cf. Goethe Institute, 08.06.2018
reference referenceIs a concept of founding a company with minimal capital investment and rapid market maturity through the leanest possible process design. Cf. founder scene, "Lean-Startup", 09.06.2018
reference referenceThe ability of the human brain to remain changeable for a lifetime, i.e. even in old age, new nerve connections can increase brain capacity. Stangl, Werner, Werner Stangls Worksheets 2018, 08.06.2018.
reference referenceAccording to the Ellen McArthur Foundation, a trade cycle in which the products or materials are preserved for a maximum of time. "All substances used are permanent nutrients for natural cycles or closed technical cycles.
reference referenceWhereas in the past material incentives contributed to increasing work motivation, today shared values and a common vision play a greater role. Cf. Becker, Jacqueline, "Meaning is the new Money", 2016, 09.06.2018
reference referenceWhereas in the past, mistakes had an absolutely negative connotation and this limited the ability of people and organizations to act, there is now a different view of mistakes. In so-called "Fuck-Up Nights", for example, mistakes are celebrated for what they are: Opportunities for learning. See Lipkowski, Sylvia, "Die neue Feh
reference referenceArtificial neural networks (KNN) are inspired by the human brain and can be used for machine learning and artificial intelligence. With these networks different problems can be solved computer-based. 10.06.2018
reference referenceThe term New Work is not new. The US philosopher Frithjof H. Bergmann founded the Center for New Work in the automotive city of Flint in Michigan back in the 1980s. The goal: to re-understand and re-organize work." cf. Bergmann, Frithjof H., "New Work, New Culture", 2004, Arbor Verlag
reference referenceBased on the three cornerstones of leadership, relationship and self management, the leadership concept consists of aspects of learning and communication psychology. See Biskup, Andreas, "Next Level Leadership", 09.06.2018
reference referenceProgramming interfaces that can also be accessed by external users.
reference referenceIn the process, the digitally collected data is not permanently stored, but directly processed, since it can be collected again at any time new and reliable. Cf. Wikipedia, "On-the-fly", 10.06.2018
reference referenceThis marks the date on which mankind has consumed as many resources as the planet can reproduce within a year. In 2017, this was the case on 2 August.
reference referenceThey allow people who do not know and trust each other to send money to each other without centralized institutions such as banks, credit card companies, Paypal, Moneygram and the like.
reference referenceDecentralized communication model that enables the equal exchange of data between all participants. See Rouse, Margaret, peer-to-peer (P2P), 2014, 09.06.2018.
reference referenceDesignates completely measurable marketing (SEO, SEA, CPC or CPL based marketing).
reference referenceIn the digital economy, business models that bring supply and demand together and thus focus on linking market players. See Maier, Erik, "What are platforms?", 2017, 10.06.2018
reference referenceLeadership style that can be individually adapted to group dynamics and does without authoritarian behaviour. Cf. Hull, Jeffrey, "How to become a post-heroic leader", 2013, 09.06.2018
reference referenceDescribes the process of individualized online advertising in real time. Depending on the user data, auctions are carried out in milliseconds to provide the highest bidder with the advertising space. See Wikipedia, "Programmatic Advertising", 10.06.2018
reference referenceA low-cost, low-cost process that turns a new product/service idea into a first testable prototype. Cf. founder scene, "Prototyping", 08.06.2018
reference referenceThe principle "pull instead of push" describes how a product is launched on the market. In this case, the customer's demand generates the placement of the product at the retailer. Cf. Naujokat, Torben, "Push principle vs. pull principle", 08.06.2018
reference referenceEnsures that people survive times of crisis and trauma. Can be described as mental resilience. Cf. Dr. Wolf, Doris, "Resilience - surviving crises unscathed", 08.06.2018
reference referenceThe learning concepts from adult education refer to the learning of new skills in order to be able to exercise another occupation (reskilling) and the learning of further competences in order to be able to remain active in the same occupation (upskilling). Cf. difin, "Understanding the Difference Between Reskilling and Upskilling", 2018, 08.06.2018
reference referencePromotion of the technical study courses Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and the simultaneous expansion of the creative fields (STEM + Art = STEAM).
reference referenceRefers to the spontaneous reaction to external and internal influences with the aim of maintaining the order inherent in the system. Cf. Schneider, Ulf, 2013, "Self-organisation", 09.06.2018
reference referenceSelf-control means that internal processes are understood and internal patterns are recognized so that managers can set the necessary impulses to make them controllable through a clear framework. Cf. Exner, Alexander et al., "Self-regulation of companies: A Handbook for Managers and Executives", Frankfurt, New York, 2009, p. 17.
reference referenceThe service design is defined in close cooperation with companies and organisations in order to methodically develop customer- and market-oriented services.
reference referenceThe closed units, originally used for grain storage, symbolize thinking in departments or work areas without keeping an eye on the big picture. Cf. Fichtel, Jessica, "Why silo thinking is harmful for the working climate", 2017, 09.06.2018
reference reference