In this video series, Monika invites people from her network to share their very personal experiences and opinions about Purpose and what it takes to be successful and create an impact. And she includes the young. To learn how they feel, and act in todays world and beyond.
Monika's goal is to facilitate as many people as possible, to experience the power of Purpose.
She makes Purpose less abstract. If we want to understand Purpose, we need to feel it and experience it's outcomes. Presenting different perspectives and examples of Purpose-Entrepreneurship is one way to learn about Purpose and what to do with it.
What for?
In order to enable the Top-Leadership to unleash their team's potential. And create an impact for it's environment.
The first Video is with Paul Schweller, Cinematographer of the Movie "Grey is not a colour".
The second video is with Curt Simon Harlinghausen, solution engineer, nerd, digital creative.
In the future, the long version will be available as podcast format too.
So stay tuned for more to come.