In the luxury of our self-created technotope, the intoxication of stimuli and individualized experiences, in the knowledge of the state of our planet and the growing world population with the possibility to do everything we want to do as individuals, society, culture, corporation, we are faced with a great responsibility. The one of consciously deciding to be human.
This is not an easy task, because being human takes time for feeling and reflection. In contrast, the focus is on acceleration and efficiency. Rapid Prototyping, Smart Everything, scaling and machines that not only make our work and everyday life easier, but also learn on their own and already overtake or replace human performance in many areas. We as forward thinkers, visionaries, dreamers and entrepreneurs are confronted with previously unthinkable possibilities and freedoms, but also with immense challenges. In doing so, we recognize that humans have become the most important influencing factor for the processes of our earth and also that we have the opportunity to shape them. Under pressure we must constantly question and adapt our actions. And we strive evolution-driven for progress, often without the necessary connection to the self and the actual purpose of our existence.
On a personal level, there are numerous recognized and proven methods to find what you are looking for. On the professional side, specially trained leadership coaches accompany teams and managers on the path to their own self. But what about the company as a whole?
In a world in which discontinuity, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity make up our space, in which entire markets, industries, departments and special fields interact and correlate in an unplanned and open-ended way, it requires a comprehensive, almost holistic view of companies and projects to provide orientation. A guiding model that supports managers by means of a defined, holistic and comprehensive view and working method in order to make their company fit for the future and to shape the world positively with joy and passion.
This creates jobs with a sense of purpose and humanity that attract the best talents, create products and services that are people-centric and generate sustainable added value, and thus also find the sales that will secure the company in the long term and provide scope for innovation and development.